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specializes in the research , development , manufacturing and sales of the Iead -acid batteries , lithium – phosphate batteries , and UPS industry solutions

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Rm. 3006, No. 3, Tingyuan Rd., Guangzhou, Guangdong, China


Call: +86 199 2431 3203

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Mon - Fri: 08:30 - 20:00
Sat & Sun: 09:30 - 21:30

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Frequently Asked Questions

lf your load is resistive loads, such as: bulbs, you can choosea modified wave inverter. But if it is inductive loads and capacitiveloads, we recommend using pure sine wave power inverter.For example: fans, precision instruments, air conditioner, fridgecoffee machine,computer, and so on.

Different types of load demand for power are different. Youcan view the load power values to determine the size of thepowerinverter.

 We will usually have a formula to calculate, but it is nothundred percent accurate, because there is also the battery’scondition, the old batteries have some loss,so this is only areference value:
Work hours = battery capacity * battery voltage * 0.8/load power(H= AH**0.8W)

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